Come utilizzare i parametri di ricerca avanzata
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To help you more quickly find exercises on Physitrack, you can use the following search syntaxes:
Phrase query
A specific sequence of terms that must be matched next to one another.
A phrase query needs to be surrounded by double quotes ( "
For example, the query "ankle pumps"
only returns an exercise if it contains “ankle pumps” in the exercise title, description or aliases.
- The search is case-insensitive.
- Typo-tolerance is disabled.
If you make a typo, then you will likely not see any matches. - Automatic pluralisation is disabled
So if you search on"thread the needles"
this will not match "thread the needle" - You can combine a phrase (in double quotes) with regular search text, e.g.
"thread the needle" level
"ankle circles"
will find all exercises that literarily contain "ankle circles" in their title, description or aliases.
Note: the text will no longer automatically match plural or singular versions, e.g. "ankle circle" will not match a search for "ankle circles""thread the needle"
will find all exercises that literally contain this text in their title, description or aliases.
Prohibit operator
Exclude records that contain a specific term.
- To exclude a term, you need to prefix it with a minus (
). - The search engine only interprets the minus (
) as a prohibit operator when you place it at the start of a word. - A minus (
) within double quotes ("
) is not treated as a prohibit operator.
squat -weighted
only matches exercises containing “squat(s)”, but not “weighted”.squat-weighted
matches exercises containing “squat” and “weighted” (there’s no exclusion because the minus (-
) is in the middle of the word).-weighted
matches every exercise except those containing “weighted”.-weighted squats
matches exercises containing “squat(s)”, but not “weighted”."-weighted"
(note the double quotes) matches exercises containing “-weighted” (no exclusion performed).